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8 Things To Expect When Dating An Older Man

8 Things To Expect When Dating An Older Man

  • I've always said that at the end of the day, on a legal […]


I've always said that at the end of the day, on a legal issue, I think a wise old woman and a wise old man are going to reach the same conclusion. Yes, it`s entirely possible, although I don`t personally know of any couple with that much of an age gap. Incidentally, our relationship didn't end because of the age difference. For a start, fewer men in that bracket are looking for women of a similar age, compared with younger men. Graff agrees that men in their 40s are more likely to want a partner in their 30s or 20s. “Older men will look for younger women for their reproductive viability,” he says.

I don't think the issue here is this man's age, but rather his maturity . He seems to want to control the level of contact you guys have, the amount and type of physical contact, and the length of your relationship. He's also definitely not a "losing loser" as some people have described. One of the reasons I like him is because he is very inspiring in his work ethic and charity work.

I speak only for myself, but people I know who are childless “get it” intellectually, but not at deeper levels. Yes, tehre are people with children who don’t “get it” as well, but having children increases the odds that they understand. Most 40-year-old women don’t settle down with men in their early 20s. But is this what you’re even looking for?

Do you prefer Botox to reading between a woman’s lines? If you’re a bloke, then the answer is probably yes. To my mind, if this 48-year-old wanted to feel younger, why didn’t she try a makeover or bikram planking or yogalates instead of having an inappropriate relationship with a boy nearly half her age. The element of maturity is one thing...being sexually active is another. This is a very old discussion but remains topical.

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You will figure it out if you both are willing to make the time,” says Rappaport. Men over 60 use smartphones…”More older men than ever are using social media, smartphones, and other electronic methods to connect with others, including people they date. So, even if a guy is older, you can’t assume he’s technologically illiterate. If you want to keep his time and attention, you might have to embrace new technology, just to keep up,” says Bennett.

Each individual will have their own unique reasons for dating an older woman. While the aforementioned are traits typically assigned to older women, let’s remember that each woman is unique and offers something that other women in the dating pool don’t. Whatever the case may be, you have your reasons for being interested in an older woman. Now it’s time to learn how to date a woman in her 40s. I do not think that there is something philosophically wrong with the age gap in and of itself. However, a relationship between someone in their 20s and someone in their 40s will very often have substantial gaps in the maturity level and the "life savvy" of both parties involved in the relationship.

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It really sucks to hear "I met someone else" or "I'm going to start seeing exclusively" rather than the general "this isn't working out" breakup script. The constant threat of there being someone else who was more appropriate for my partner to be dating kind of messed me up for a while. I'm a 34 year old myself, and I tend to date women 4-8 years younger than myself - in my experience, I'm had the best relationships from that age bracket. Occasionally I may break the unofficial "rule" and go out with somebody 10 years younger (when we really "click") but at the back of my mind, there's always this concern that maybe I'm taking advantage of her. I tend not to vocalize these feelings because dating is complicated enough without creating drama by saying every silly thought that crosses one's mind, but it's there.

He's not a nice fellow, and I'm having a very difficult time understanding how a percentage of mefites in this thread interpreted his actions as though he is nice and trustworthy. Try going no-contact for some set period of time and don't break it--set an expectation with him that, as a matter of respect toward you, he needs to honor the no-contact period. Give yourself (and him!) some time to process your actual feelings, not the combination of chemistry and feelings and hopes that kind of swirl around you when you're together or otherwise communicating. I feel like, at 20, you should try to date someone who you are really f#$%ing excited about and who is excited about you. A lot of that hinges on what you want to be doing with your time.

I believe everyone should be free to design the relationship model that works for them — and for me that’s dating younger men. Just because she’s in her 40s doesn’t mean that she wants to be treated differently than a younger woman. Be chivalrous, surprise her, take care of her, make her feel respected, worthy, and sexy. Dating a woman in her 40s means greater stability. She is more likely than her younger counterparts to be able to offer you lifelong companionship, financial security, an extended social circle, and more. A 40-something is much less fickle than a 20-something.

A man in his 40s is more comfortable expressing himself and more willing to listen to you as well. See, I’m not here to set the rules for society. I’m here to observe society and report back to you how things USUALLY work out.

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Her habits were there long before you came around and they’ll most likely stick around for the rest of her life. If you're dating an older man, you don't have to worry about what he'll look like when he gets older. “You already get to see a preview of how the person ages and takes care of himself,” Carmichael says. At this point in his life, he probably has his lifestyle down pat.

I will not date a man who doesn’t have kids again. And the guy who was almost 50 and no long term relationship experience……lets just say….wow, there are some serious issues there. It’s easier to grow with someone when they’re young and more malleable in their ways of living.

Don’t play hard to get because then he’s going to assume you’re uninterested. Don’t chat about other men in an attempt to “make him jealous” because he’s going to assume that you’re into other guys. Dating a 40-year-old is a dramatically different experience than dating a man in his 20s or 30s. It’s more likely that you’ll find him watching football with his buddies than trying to twerk it on the dance floor. He’s usually established in his career and knows a thing or two about investment portfolios.
