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Dating An Older Man: Pros, Cons, + Advice For The Modern Woman

Dating An Older Man: Pros, Cons, + Advice For The Modern Woman

  • I want to be with someone who has a kind heart. Everyth […]


I want to be with someone who has a kind heart. Everything else means little to me. I’d like a partner again for all the reasons you’ve mentioned. Even though I believe that marriage is a sacred commitment, a true testament to how a couple feels about each other, I don’t believe that many people are cut out for it anymore these days. I’d be happy with a faithful and devoted partner without the paperwork.

The Man's Guide to Dating After 50

In fact, it’s possible she’s not even into the idea of marriage anymore. Some people get married since it’s what they’re expected to do—maybe she figured out that’s not for her and is looking to play the field. Most women are just so very horrible and evil to meet altogether these days unfortunately, especially the ones that really have no manners and personality at all as well. A very completely different time we live in today, now that most women have really changed for the worst of all.

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FYI I was married t am man younger then me, he was the worst love I ‘ve ever had and been with a gentleman over 60. Wow no comparison…Best love I have ever had. Oh my…you do know who actually has all the power in the world…look at the CEO’s, judges, governments, across this world…now tell me women are in charge dude…Come on.. That’s not been my experience at all. Best of luck to everyone, hope you find exactly what you are looking for. Yep, even a 83 year old retired Baptist minister stated that after menopause the only thing they want is money and that they are no longer interested in the physical side.

Age demands a certain level of respect. About those mental images, personally, I vote for dating the sweet, nerdy guy. But some disturbing data shows that as women, if we want to be attractive as we age, the best thing we can do is really just not age past 20. "Openness should be a two-way street," though, Carmichael says.

I’ve had not one but many occasions where a phone call is agreed for a specific time and…nothing. They don’t even have the courtesy to let you know they can’t make it. It always turns out to be some trivial reason like dinner took longer than they expected. This isn’t one or two, IT’S THE MAJORITY with this bad behaviour in some form or other. I had one woman who rescheduled a first date three times. On the last time I told her to forget it and she was stunned.

Up until I caught her, it was more about how much money they were going to make versus the great money we made each year. He would rent a plane etc…more of a higher status than being loyal to the man that dedicated an important part of his life to her and her career. I don’t understand these women’s actions because I’ve always been respectful of people, especially the men I’ve been with. Sure I’ve had my teeth kicked in after putting my trust in a man, several times in fact, but I have fought my urge to consider all men to be jerks.

And even if you find someone that wants to date you , after one date they already start implying sexual stuff . But, dating has been very challenging. I’m too hyper-vigilant for red flags now.

And what about age as it relates to older women involved with younger men? Though men have been enjoying May-December romances forever, women haven’t been afforded the same freedom necessarily. Culturally, the older woman/younger man dynamic is perceived as an oddity, or a fluke. When it comes to the subject of love we always hope that there are no real significant barriers to its success. In our hearts, if not in our heads, we’re convinced that love will always trump practical concerns such as money, social class, race and even gender. At the end of the day, this article was about how people think, not how people should think.

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And if they haven’t been married, I’m sure they’ve dated enough to be more in tune with what they do and don’t want in a partner. A man in his fifties who is looking for a committed relationship is going to seek a woman who he believes will integrate well into his life, meaning she’ll get along with his friends and family. Even earlier on, shared or relatable “kid” experiences often bring couples closer. Anonymous…….your sweeping generalizations don’t apply to me. I don’t smoke, I am not overweight, and I eat healthy. I am an attractive, intelligent, and kind woman.

As young people, we are fed a line of BS that says that there will always be time, we can enjoy ‘golden years’ together playing shuffleboard and bingo with our friends. If you think I’m exaggerating, go to an amusement park with an eight year old and tell me how you feel at the end of the day. I assure you, there are still some good women out there, me being one of them.

As a matter of fact, they want it more at this age than in their 20’ or 30’s. It is not just about “wham bam, thank you mam”; they want to be wooed and they want to feel a connection. Many of these women have full-time careers and are looking for that guy to make them feel special and appreciated after the workday is over. I am 64 and dating many men over 60.

I feel like I live in the Twilight Zone. I have found that all guys play games, even when I have shown them that I am not into that. I just want to be real and have something real, whether it’s a friendship with a man or something more than that. Men will say one thing and do something else, hold back and not say what they feel so I have no idea, even just disappear without a word.
